Acupuncture for Fertility
Acupuncture dates back about 3,000 years.
Its past history mostly lies in foggy mystery. Stone needles have been found in archaeological digs. Though little is known about how it was used. Metal techniques improved with the bronze age and needles became thinner. The first European documentation of acupuncture was 1680, where acupuncture was used in Japan.
Flash forward to the 1970's where acupuncture was provided for postoperative pain relief to a press corp member. In 1997 National Institutes of Health (NIH) found acupuncture to be effective for pain relief, nausea and headaches. More studies are indicating that acupuncture can impact parts of the brain and turn off areas associated with pain recognition.
Documentation of the use of acupuncture for fertility dates back to some of the earliest texts. Over the years, practitioners have observed and developed acupuncture protocols to help women with ovulatory issues. This led to a wealth of written knowledge and traditions of acupuncture use for conception.
What does acupuncture do to improve my chances to conceive?
Currently acupuncture has been found to increase uterine blood flow. (
With the use of electrical stimulation to the needles, some researchers believe acupuncture can increase ovarian blood flow. Blood flow is important, as reproductive hormones travel via the blood. Improved pelvic blood flow can encourage the optimization of the ovaries receiving hormones to help a follicle to grow.
This is important to assist a woman’s body to produce the best quality egg possible - either in a natural cycle or during IVF.
Acupuncture can thicken uterine lining and promote implantation. Acupuncture enhances the uterine environment to allow the uterine lining to thicken and encourage the implantation of an embryo.
Acupuncture helps your body to produce and release feel good hormones - called endorphins. Endorphins allows you to relax, promotes blood to circulate throughout your body and elevates mild depression.
The best benefit of endorphins - your body can better regulate hormones and egg maturation. As time progresses, your menstrual cycle will develop a balanced rhythm, leading to consistent ovulation and potentially lowered FSH.