Your Pathway to Fertility Begins Here

This website is for every woman finding herself on a path where she never envisioned

No one prepared you for the hardest journey to take.

A journey that challenges your body, heart and mind.

A place where every part of your fertility is poked, pulled and stretched.

Recognizing the difficult fertility journey and the phases you might be experiencing.

What started as “just having sex” has turned into complicated and overwhelming.  A journey involving lots of information and conflicting theories.

You find yourself looking for the best choices for YOU.  You are flooded with lots of questions. How do you find your way to conceiving a baby?

Imagine in this moment, there’s a pathway for you.  YOUR pathway.  One that you create within a supportive environment.  A pathway filled with care for your physical fertility and sensitive heart so you can face all facets of trying to have a baby.  

Think about how this could change your fertility pathway.

Anyone is welcome to schedule a consultation with me.  I'll be happy to consult with you on all matters, even if it’s not related to fertility.

Did you make the momentous choice to make a baby and be a mother – instead you found the hardest, loneliest path you never imagined?

A journey which swings from resolve to despair, hope to envy, enthusiasm to fear….the emotional swings are powerful.

One of shame and self-blame at diagnoses like ovarian insufficiency, hormonal issues,poor egg quality, genetics…

One of asking yourself again and again – is there any hope? Will I ever hold my own baby in my arms?

Discover how you can change the outcome of your fertility and still be engaged with life. Schedule a consultation to discover your fertility pathway.

Find your pathway to fertility with Samantha Jacobs

As a licensed and board-certified practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), I have studied and practiced acupuncture and Chinese herbology with a focus on women’s health and wellness, gynecology, and fertility since 2003.

I specialize in the hard and “hopeless” cases with a focus on empowering you and your fertility for the best outcome.

Are you ready to get your life in alignment with your fertility (without driving yourself nuts)?

With 20 plus years of training and clinical experience has taught me that fertility is about so much more than your ovaries.

Bring your whole being into balance, optimizing your body’s fertility and improve your ovulation, potential egg quality and emotional balance while you navigate many choices. Discover the best decisions for you.

Comprehensive Fertility Care

  • Physical Fertility

    Everything in your body that’s interacting with your ovaries and uterus.

  • Mind Fertility

    The logical thought process dedicated to getting pregnant.

  • Heart Fertility

    Everything you feel in your heart that is calling you to be a mom.

While there are no guarantees, take powerful steps to improve your physical fertility, soothe your weary mind and figure out steps to help you stay on the journey. Thus, increasing your chances of becoming pregnant.

Your job in this work is to engage fully and do your best. My job is to give your best efforts a fighting chance at conceiving.

Anyone is welcome to schedule a consultation with me.  Start exploring how your journey can be different.

You and I will take powerful steps to improve your physical fertility

Three Layers of Support

Partnering with any and all of your treatment team, I support you in your quest to have a baby through:


An ancient healing modality is helping modern women improve their fertility.  Acupuncture might seem like a new kid on the fertility block. Yet, over a thousand years ago, women were treated with acupuncture to help them get pregnant. Acupuncture can support your menstrual cycle and re-regulate your body to optimize conception. 

Chinese Herbology

With more than 300 herbs, this 2000-year-old system addresses patterns of symptoms and can regulate hormone imbalances and potentially change egg quality. Customized Chinese herbal formulas are designed to address your fertility and whole body health.

Fertility Coaching

One on One consultations - regardless of your situation or level of knowledge, you are welcome to schedule a consultation with me. Let’s discuss your choices for treatment, the best questions to ask your doctors, get clarity about your fertility without digging through Google (aka googlitis)

Schedule a consultation and get the opportunity to tailor all the facts specifically to you and determine the best options for improving your fertility and the chance to conceive.

Imagine being supported, step by step, as you chart your own fertility journey

Yes – you can take ownership of the process!  You don’t need to feel powerless and lost, searching for a nugget of gold on Google.

  • Understand ways to cultivate your menstrual cycle and potentially change egg quality.

  • Experience a supported and maximized IVF cycle.

  • Stop overthinking and over researching your health.

  • Discover ways to control your stress.

  • Get clear input about your fertility and which options are best for you.

  • Our time together does not involve - selling you supplements, directing you to a preferred clinic or hidden add-ons.

Reach out and find the support you deserve.

Schedule a consultation for your new fertility pathway.